hi we'd like to notify you about an intrusion-event we scanned from you (time is the local central european time):
2005-11-16 16:46:49 device_id=FGT50A2904411448 log_id=0420070000 type=ips subtype=signature pri=alert attack_id=102367244 src= dst= src_port=54836 dst_port=7881 src_int=external dst_int=internal status=detected proto=6 service=7881/tcp msg="scan: Nmap.TCP [Reference: http://www.fortinet.com/ids/ID102367244]"
please let us know if you can give us more details on the source IP as we detected a trojan application we removed soon afterwards here running on the mentioned port.
thank you in advance, support@kapper.net | der technische dienst für ihre fragen und wünsche.